Oxford wins 4 Telly Awards
June 11, 2024

Whoa, Telly! Oxford wins 4 of the renowned global video awards
The Telly Awards are regarded as the premier recognition of creativity in video and television across all screens. Yearly, The Tellys receives more than 13,000 entries from around the world and has honored work produced by some of the top names in media, including The Walt Disney Company, HBO, Netflix and CNN. Add to that list of impressive honorees the name of a kick-ass agency from the state of New Jersey: Oxford Communications.
Oxford was honored with four Telly Awards for the work we produced for ETS, NJ SNAP-Ed and the New Jersey Department of Agriculture.
Our “The Power is in Your Hands” video was developed to illustrate the amazing opportunities awaiting students who take ETS’ TOEFL iBT English-proficiency test to study abroad. The video was featured on the landing page for the campaign as well as in digital ads and social media posts.
A commercial created to supplement the Oxford-produced “Mother Nature Measured for You” outdoor and digital campaign received a Telly as well. The SNAP-Ed spot explained how you don’t need to measure to be sure you’re getting the cups of fruits and veggies your body needs — most produce is already one cup as is. It ran as a commercial on YouTube.
A TV spot for NJDA that promoted all the fresh produce grown locally here in New Jersey received the remaining two Telly Awards. The “Jersey Fresh” spot ran on cable TV and streaming platforms in the spring, showcasing footage of NJ fruits and vegetables available during the season, along with the catchy “Grown Right. Here.” tagline.
“These Telly Awards are the reward for doing great work with great people for great people,” shares John Martorana, our president and CEO. “The creativity of our team can only shine brightest when clients are willing to push the envelope and pursue the extraordinary. We share these awards with ETS, NJ SNAP-Ed and the NJDA and thank them for letting us bring the ‘wow’ to their brands.”