Millennial Marketing: HOW are They Watching?

April 28, 2016

While older generations were told to, “put down the remote,” Millennials are more used to hearing, “stop looking at your phone.” According to Videology, 34% of Millennials watch more online video on their devices than they do television, and of the ones who are watching TV, 53% are using their devices at the same time to browse social media. This year marked the first time digital media viewership surpassed that of television – not surprising when the average Millennial watches 500 online videos a month. In fact, 600 million people in the U.S. have “cut the cord” with their cable companies, disconnecting completely or, in the case of newly independent Millennials, not signing up for cable service at all.


This is creating a golden age for digital advertising. With video-hosting websites like YouTube, Blip and basic Hulu showing both original and television content for free, advertisements are packed on to the beginning, middle and end with the added bonus of instant interactivity (additional links to social media, “choose your own adventure” style videos, etc.). Even better for marketers, it’s become the norm, even expected, for users of these free digital video sites and apps to have advertisements popping up or living at the bottom of their screens for the privilege of not having to pay.

And now, with the advent of paid services like Amazon Prime Instant Video hosting HBO shows, Yahoo TV producing new episodes of TV-cult-favorite Community, and Netflix Originals getting nominated for (and winning!) major awards, television is migrating more and more from the small screen to the mini screens, with digital ads gearing up to eclipse television in four years’ time.  

Next month: Don’t bury the remote just yet.