Holiday Movies: The Good VS. The Bad

April 28, 2016

There is nothing better than putting up decorations with your family and friends, sipping on some soothing hot chocolate and watching a holiday classic on the tube. We all have our favorites from an obtrusively large elf who talked through the Candy Cane Forest to get to New York City, to fra-gi-le leg lamps, back to the faith of children believing in Ol' Saint Nick.

And now for Oxford's Top 10 classic holiday films (in no specific order) and our favorite quotes to accompany them!

Top Holiday Movies (The Nice List) by: Kate Concannon

It's A Wonderful Life (1946): "Look, Daddy! Teacher says: Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings."

A Christmas Story (1983): "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!"

The Polar Express (2004): "Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see."

Miracle on 34th Street (1947): "Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to."

A Charlie Brown Christmas (1992): "Get the biggest aluminum tree you can find, Charlie Brown. Maybe painted pink."

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989): "Lotta sap in here. Looks great. Little full, lotta sap!"

The Santa Claus (1994): "I don't know what is happening to you. You're starting to look like the Pillsbury Doughboy!"

Home Alone (1990): "Buzz's girlfriend, WOOF!"

The Muppets Christmas Carol (1992): "You're a little absent-minded, spirit. No, I'm a large absent-minded spirit."

Top 10 Holiday Movies (The Naughty List) by: Martin Slamon

UH … actually there IS something better. It's called an explosion. And what's even better than an explosion? A holiday explosion! Below you will find some off-beat holiday films that would just as soon punch you in the face as give you a Christmas present. Keep your hot chocolate. I've got a "pumped up" Santa Claus in the form of Bruce Willis comin' at you!

Die Hard (1988): "All right, listen up guys. 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except … the four jerks coming in the rear in standard two-by-two cover formation."

Batman Returns (1992): "A kiss under the mistletoe. You know, mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it."

Lethal Weapon (1987): "What did one shepherd say to the other shepherd? Let's get the flock out of here!"

Jingle All The Way (1996): "Put that cookie down, NOW!"

Edward Scissorhands (1990): "You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now … I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it."

Scrooged (1988): "I can't get the antlers glued to this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it don't work."

Reindeer Games (2000): "'Tis the season, convict."

The Ref (1994): "Great. I just beat up Santa Claus."

Gremlins (1984): "You say you hate Washington's Birthday or Thanksgiving and nobody cares, but you say you hate Christmas and people treat you like you're a leper."

Bad Santa (2003): "Good night, Santa. Good night, Mrs. Santa's sister."